Friday, July 25, 2014

Catching Peace

As much as I enjoy the freedom of painting whatever pleases me at a given moment, one can tend to play it safe and fall in a rut. Taking up the challenge of painting for someone in particular or taking on a commission piece can be a great way to get pushed out of your comfort zone and grow as an artist. Today and tomorrow's painting's were gifts for people dear to me.

Today's creation is not a wild step away from what I have already been painting but, because it was for my Dad, I considered adding some details that I would not have thought to normally.

Catching Peace- Watercolour - 5x7 inches - Original Gone

My Father loves nothing more than being alone (Well, with the exception of the mandatory pooch) in nature fishing...for hours.  I'm pretty sure he would be quite happy in this scene! 

Painting silhouettes is both simple yet, challenging, It's a great way to study the shape of an object. Trees are always very forgiving as they naturally come in so many odd and interesting shapes but, when you start adding people, animals or common structures, you have to pay a lot of attention to detail. A little bump or line in the wrong place and suddenly the object is not as easily identifiable. 

I hope you enjoyed today's creation. Tomorrow's is much quirkier and outside of my comfort zone- see you then!

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